December 24, 6 pm.

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You are welcomed by friendly greeters for every Sunday morning worship service. Music, Praise, and Prayer start the worship service.
Long Lake Wesleyan Church, first church in Long Lake NY. Faith based worship exaulting Jesus Christ.

“For I know the plans I have for you,”
       declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
  plans to give you hope and a future.”

                                         Jeremiah 29: 11

The sign in front of the church always has a faith message uplifting and welcoming.

Throughout this website, checkmarks are clickables.

Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall Sundays at 10am.

Sunday Worship 11am.         

Watch Online! Watch the live streamed Sunday morning worship on YouTube plus previous episodes are available on our YouTube Channel.

Sunday Nights 6pm -7:15pm.

Pot Luck Lunch the first Sunday of each Month in the Fellowship Hall following Service. Bring a dish to share, but not required.

Prayer Meeting and Worship every Wednesday 6pm.

The Wesleyan Church logo. the rising dove when Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist.

Physical address:

1120 Deerland Rd

Mailing address:

Long Lake Wesleyan Church

PO Box 322

Long Lake, NY 12847


Email us with any questions, prayer requests, or concerns.
We are always available. give us a call.

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